demotional and RedLawyer joined
Gods and Followers
Gods and Followers
Rated battle
Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned
Baton Pass Clause: Limit one Baton Passer, can't pass Spe and other stats simultaneously
Mega Rayquaza Clause: You cannot mega evolve Rayquaza
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
demotional's team: Lugia / Altaria / Hoopa-Unbound / Skarmory / Starmie / Jirachi
RedLawyer's team: Palkia / Slowbro / Latios / Tentacruel / Cloyster / Garchomp