M L72
M L69
F L87
F L75
M L88
M L76
F L68
F L75
F L98
F L73

Curious what those medals under the avatar are? PS now has Ladder Seasons! For more information, check out the thread on Smogon.
☆Vxltarktimi and ☆TKYSZL我吐了 joined
[Gen 9] Metronome
Vxltarktimi's team: Cresselia / Kilowattrel / Mew / Feebas / Yanmega / Bronzor
TKYSZL我吐了's team: Torterra / Hydreigon / Turtwig / Rhydon / Snorunt / Amoonguss

[Gen 9] Metronome: Vxltarktimi vs. TKYSZL我吐了

DownloadSun Dec 22 2024

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