F L86
M L76
F L91
F L72
F L85
F L88
F L74
M L87
F L74
M L89
F L84
M L79

Curious what those medals under the avatar are? PS now has Ladder Seasons! For more information, check out the thread on Smogon.
☆maxinyuuu and ☆fyzmelm joined
[Gen 9] Metronome
maxinyuuu's team: Muk-Alola / Finizen / Leavanny / Barboach / Pawmo / Dragonair
fyzmelm's team: Drowzee / Stantler / Kirlia / Cetitan / Vibrava / Charmander

[Gen 9] Metronome: maxinyuuu vs. fyzmelm

DownloadWed Jan 01 2025

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