M L71
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M L99

☆Ghostilex and ☆LoSconosciuto joined

Game 3 of a best-of-5

[Gen 9] Challenge Cup 6v6
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Illusion Level Mod: Illusion disguises the Pokémon's true level
Ghostilex's team: Mudbray / Hoppip / Ribombee / Excadrill / Sinistea-Antique / Quaxly / Muk / Entei / Grafaiai / Sprigatito / Litwick / Ralts
LoSconosciuto's team: Ursaluna / Blitzle / Overqwil / Raging Bolt / Swadloon / Elekid / Vulpix / Yanmega / Tauros-Paldea-Blaze / Quilava / Terapagos / Wooper

[Gen 9] Challenge Cup 6v6: Ghostilex vs. LoSconosciuto

DownloadFri Dec 06 2024

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