Curious what those medals under the avatar are? PS now has Ladder Seasons! For more information, check out the thread on Smogon.
Curious what those medals under the avatar are? PS now has Ladder Seasons! For more information, check out the thread on Smogon.
|j|☆shanepokemon78 |j|☆BlackLeague |t:|1713453784 |gametype|doubles |player|p1|shanepokemon78|policeman|1485 |player|p2|BlackLeague|170|1582 |teamsize|p1|6 |teamsize|p2|6 |gen|9 |tier|[Gen 9] Doubles OU |rated| |rule|Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon |rule|OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned |rule|Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned |rule|Gravity Sleep Clause: The combination of sleep-inducing moves with imperfect accuracy and Gravity or Gigantamax Orbeetle are banned |rule|Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned |rule|HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages |clearpoke |poke|p1|Weezing, M| |poke|p1|Great Tusk| |poke|p1|Cinderace, F| |poke|p1|Diancie| |poke|p1|Vikavolt, F| |poke|p1|Braviary-Hisui, M| |poke|p2|Gardevoir, F| |poke|p2|Venomoth, M| |poke|p2|Sinistcha-Masterpiece| |poke|p2|Metagross| |poke|p2|Salamence, F| |poke|p2|Indeedee-F, F| |teampreview | |t:|1713453801 |start |switch|p1a: Fart|Weezing, M|100/100 |switch|p1b: bzzzzz|Vikavolt, F|100/100 |switch|p2a: Gardevoir|Gardevoir, F|100/100 |switch|p2b: Metagross|Metagross|100/100 |-ability|p1a: Fart|Neutralizing Gas |turn|1 | |t:|1713453815 |switch|p2a: Sinistcha|Sinistcha-Masterpiece|100/100 |move|p1a: Fart|Protect|p1a: Fart |-singleturn|p1a: Fart|Protect |move|p2b: Metagross|Explosion|p1b: bzzzzz|[spread] p1b |-activate|p1a: Fart|move: Protect |-immune|p2a: Sinistcha |-damage|p1b: bzzzzz|19/100 |faint|p2b: Metagross |move|p1b: bzzzzz|Bug Buzz|p2a: Sinistcha |-damage|p2a: Sinistcha|40/100 | |upkeep |inactive|Battle timer is ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by shanepokemon78) | |t:|1713453839 |switch|p2b: Indeedee|Indeedee-F, F|100/100 |turn|2 | |t:|1713453848 |move|p2b: Indeedee|Psychic Terrain|p2b: Indeedee |-fieldstart|move: Psychic Terrain |move|p1a: Fart|Toxic|p2b: Indeedee |-status|p2b: Indeedee|tox |move|p1b: bzzzzz|Bug Buzz|p2a: Sinistcha |-damage|p2a: Sinistcha|0 fnt |faint|p2a: Sinistcha | |-damage|p2b: Indeedee|94/100 tox|[from] psn |upkeep | |t:|1713453857 |switch|p2a: Gardevoir|Gardevoir, F|100/100 |turn|3 | |t:|1713453864 |switch|p2b: Venomoth|Venomoth, M|100/100 |-terastallize|p1a: Fart|Dark |move|p2a: Gardevoir|Expanding Force|p1a: Fart|[spread] p1b |-immune|p1a: Fart |-damage|p1b: bzzzzz|0 fnt |faint|p1b: bzzzzz |move|p1a: Fart|Sludge Bomb|p2a: Gardevoir |-supereffective|p2a: Gardevoir |-damage|p2a: Gardevoir|60/100 | |upkeep | |t:|1713453887 |switch|p1b: Braviary|Braviary-Hisui, M|100/100 |turn|4 | |t:|1713453912 |move|p2b: Venomoth|Sleep Powder|p1b: Braviary |-status|p1b: Braviary|slp|[from] move: Sleep Powder |move|p2a: Gardevoir|Moonblast|p1a: Fart |-supereffective|p1a: Fart |-damage|p1a: Fart|18/100 |-unboost|p1a: Fart|spa|1 |cant|p1b: Braviary|slp |move|p1a: Fart|Sludge Bomb|p2a: Gardevoir |-supereffective|p2a: Gardevoir |-damage|p2a: Gardevoir|30/100 |-enditem|p2a: Gardevoir|Sitrus Berry|[eat] |-heal|p2a: Gardevoir|55/100|[from] item: Sitrus Berry | |-heal|p1a: Fart|24/100|[from] item: Leftovers |upkeep |turn|5 | |t:|1713453931 |switch|p2b: Salamence|Salamence, F|100/100 |move|p1a: Fart|Protect|p1a: Fart |-singleturn|p1a: Fart|Protect |move|p2a: Gardevoir|Moonblast|p1b: Braviary |-damage|p1b: Braviary|45/100 slp |cant|p1b: Braviary|slp | |-heal|p1a: Fart|30/100|[from] item: Leftovers |upkeep |turn|6 |inactive|BlackLeague has 120 seconds left. | |t:|1713453963 |move|p2b: Salamence|Tailwind|p2b: Salamence |-sidestart|p2: BlackLeague|move: Tailwind |move|p2a: Gardevoir|Moonblast|p1a: Fart |-supereffective|p1a: Fart |-damage|p1a: Fart|0 fnt |faint|p1a: Fart |-end|p1a: Fart|ability: Neutralizing Gas |-ability|p2b: Salamence|Intimidate|boost |-unboost|p1b: Braviary|atk|1 |-curestatus|p1b: Braviary|slp|[msg] |move|p1b: Braviary|Shadow Ball|p2a: Gardevoir |-supereffective|p2a: Gardevoir |-damage|p2a: Gardevoir|0 fnt |faint|p2a: Gardevoir | |-fieldend|move: Psychic Terrain |upkeep | |t:|1713453981 |switch|p2a: Indeedee|Indeedee-F, F|94/100 tox |switch|p1a: My Queen|Diancie|100/100 |-fieldstart|move: Psychic Terrain|[from] ability: Psychic Surge|[of] p2a: Indeedee |turn|7 |inactive|BlackLeague has 120 seconds left. | |t:|1713454022 |move|p2b: Salamence|Heat Wave|p1b: Braviary|[spread] p1a,p1b |-resisted|p1a: My Queen |-damage|p1a: My Queen|92/100 |-damage|p1b: Braviary|23/100 |move|p2a: Indeedee|Alluring Voice|p1a: My Queen |-damage|p1a: My Queen|78/100 |move|p1b: Braviary|Air Slash|p2a: Indeedee |-damage|p2a: Indeedee|27/100 tox |move|p1a: My Queen|Diamond Storm|p2b: Salamence|[spread] p2a,p2b |-supereffective|p2b: Salamence |-damage|p2a: Indeedee|0 fnt |-damage|p2b: Salamence|29/100 |faint|p2a: Indeedee | |-heal|p2b: Salamence|35/100|[from] item: Leftovers |upkeep | |t:|1713454025 |switch|p2a: Venomoth|Venomoth, M|100/100 |turn|8 |-message|BlackLeague forfeited. | |win|shanepokemon78 |raw|shanepokemon78's rating: 1485 → 1510
(+25 for winning) |raw|BlackLeague's rating: 1582 → 1557
(-25 for losing) |l|☆BlackLeague |player|p2| |l|☆shanepokemon78 |player|p1|